Tuesday 25 May 2010

The most awsome band ever

This band is A.W.S.O.M.E awsome lol
These guys come from germany but they talk great english, their music is the music i listen to most & the music i love the most, these guys are so funny when they get going.
They have diffrent style music, they dont go with 1 style, these guys have won quiet alot of awards & they will win many more in the future, i love all there songs in both english & german.

The members

Bill Kaulitz: Bill is the youngest of the band & the younger twin of Tom Kaulitz by 10 minutes, Bill is the voice of the band, he is so sweet & careing. i love his voice & it calms me down so easy & quickly.Wow i love hereing him sing, Bill talking in english is so cute & adorable. He has an incredable style in fashon of clothes ect & awsome hair styles, i miss his big lion mane but he always looks good no matter what. no he is not gay, he is straight, so what if he wears make up ect, it suits him. He is awsome, funny, sweet & lovely & has an awsome personality. He writes the song lyrics for the songs that they do & his lyrics always comes from the heart. I love him lots, but not for his fame & money, i love him coz of the sweet, lovely & careing guy that he is & hey he's good looking so thats a bonus ;) lol

Tom Kaulitz: Tom is the older twin of Bill by 10 minutes, he is the guitarist of the band & he rocks on the guitar. Tom's an all around womanizer, he loves the woman. He is really funny & a good joker. I love him in a brotherly way :)
Tom & Bill are incomeplete without each other, they are as one & its awsome they get to be in a band together.

Gustav Schafer - Gustav is mister shy guy lol, he's the drummer of the band, he lose to get the fans to do the mexican wave at the end of the concert lol, its funny to watch. Gustav is a big cuddly bear, i wanna give him a great big hug hehe. he is a sweatheart with a big heart & is funny too. I love him like another brother.

Georg Listing - Georg is the oldest of the band & the bass player, he is the only 1 in the band that has a Girlfriend, Georg is the funnest in the band coz he is clumbsey lol.

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